Study of the impact of EnviroBiotics™ on atopic dogs Designed, executed, and analyzed by Invetus – Yorklea Australia

The objective of this EnviroBiotics™ study was to evaluate whether an allergic dog’s pruritus (atopic dermatitis skin condition – a common skin allergy) may be alleviated by exposure to EnviroBiotics in a similar manner to which humans’ allergies are alleviated.
Dogs with atopic skin conditions have been shown to have fewer species of bacteria on their skin compared to healthy dogs. This contributes to a compromised skin barrier, leading to increased itch and skin odor. Atopic dogs also have a significantly increased risk of developing skin infections (pyoderma).
This pilot study was aimed to evaluate the effects of regular topical application of Enviro-
Biotics™, on dogs with atopic dermatitis and their sleeping area. The study had been conducted over 21.
The study assessed and measured specific bacteriological cultures, pruritus (itch) scores, and owner’s perception of bad odor of skin and bedding before, during, and upon termination of the study after 21 days
This study was conducted by Invetus, the largest Australasian veterinary contract research organization (CRO) with sites throughout Australia and New Zealand and managed by Orivet Genetic Pet Care, Australia. A copy of the 79 pages of research will be provided upon request.
Pruritus assessment:
The Enviro-Biotics™ treatment reduced the pruritus incidence by 0.6% per day, which was statistically significant (F1,11.01=7.05, p=0.022, Figure 1a).
Odor assessment:
Odor assessment has decreased by 0.57% daily ( Figure 1b).

Fig.1: A.
Mean pruritis assessment values with error bars representing the standard deviation across four repetitions.
Fig.1: B.
Mean odor assessment values with error bars representing the standard deviation across four repetitions.

Number of cultures by organism and day
The results demonstrate the likelihood of EnviroBiotics to reduce acute, chronic skin allergies in dogs. In addition, the pets’ owners reported a clear reduction of odor. The results are indicative of the relief accomplished not only by human but also by their pets.